🕒 История сайта srv.org в 2021 году
🌐 На 19-10-2021 22:58:
Тема сайта: Home Описание главной страницы: SRV Associations,"The SRV Associations are a community of spiritual aspirants devoted to the study and practice of Advaita Vedanta and Divine Mother Wisdom. The ideals of this ancient pathway to God, exemplified in the lives of Sri Sarada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, are the original and eternal perfection of the Soul and its inherent oneness with God, the manifesting of divinity in our lives, selfless service of all beings as God, and reverence for the ultimate unity of all sacred Traditions. As the ancient Vedic phrase says, 'Truth is one, sages call It by various names. To this end our purpose is to study, worship, serve and contemplate Truth so that spiritual realization may flourish. This is the Advaitic way.'" Заголовок сайта: не определён... Ключевые слова главной страницы: SRV Associations, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Sarada Devi, Holy Mother, Vedanta, Advaita, Nonduality, Kali, Durga, Divine Mother, Goddess, Meditation, Spiritual Practice, Babaji Bob Kindler, Lex Hixon, Shankaracharya, Interfaith, Universal, Spirituality, Hinduism, Yoga, Raja Yoga, Samkhya, Non-duality, Nondualism, Non-dualism, Consciousness, Self-Realization, Sages, Saints, Avatar, Divine Incarnation, Eastern Religion, Eastern Philosophy, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, SRV Associations, Hawai'i, Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, initiation, Bhagavad Gita, Gita, Upanishads, Vedic, Vedic Scriptures, rishis, seers
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